Pregnant Betta

My female has the white dot and she is very fat. I have the water in the tank about have way full and have her in a small jar in the middle of …

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What are the bubbles at the top of my betta fish tank? Have you ever seen clusters of bubbles on the water’s surface in your betta fish tank?

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By Ness Flett July 2011 saw me off to Thailand for a Betta-inspired holiday. A genuine a-typical trip that would not involve braided hair, sunburn or any real time spent in crowded beaches elbow-to-elbow with other ฝรั่ง “Farang” or foreigners….

Moderate Fin Rot Treatment: 1. If your betta has moderate fin rot signs or mild fin rot gets worse during treatment, you’ll need to be more aggressive.

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Mosquito larva. This my friend is the real true betta food. Bettas eat tones of them in the rice paddies of Thailand, so it is a great choice of food.

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Techniques for feeding Betta fish, written by a Betta fish breeder with 20+ years experience.

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I am an accountant from Canada with a passion for fish aquariums. I have many years of experience with betta fish in particular. So you’ve got a betta, and your tank is looking a little lonely. You have the urge to put more fish in the tank so your betta can have friends, but unfortunately, bettas

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These interesting facts about betta fish will enlighten new and old betta lovers! Guaranteed at least one thing you didn’t know is in this article!

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I looked up overfed bettas and my betta looked like one of the WAY too overfed pictures. He has fasted by himself for a little more than a week.

Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About Betta Fish: Pet Sitters International shares tips for pet owners and pet sitters who need more information on caring for Betta fish.

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