Follow Safe Teen Driving

How to Go on Ice and Snow. An illustrated guide that offers tips to become a safer and more efficient driver in adverse weather conditions. Also provided is information on vehicle systems, driver preparation, winter driving techniques — maximizing traction, maintaining safe following distance and changing speed smoothly — and additional

dangerous things teens do in cars: 7 risky behaviors and 7 tips to stay safe

v Parent‐Teen Driving Agreement I, _____,will drive carefully and cautiously and will be courteous to other drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians at all times.

DMV Commissioner’s Advisory Committee on Teen Safe Driving Teen-Parent Driver Agreement Teen-Parent Driving Agreements are a proven way to raise

Reinforcing safe decision making through teen safe driving simulators, defensive driving class, and alcohol & drug education programs

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Download our teen driving contract today and start building guidelines to keep your teenager safe on the road.

Nov 28, 2008 · Beyond acquiring basic car control skills — and exercising good judgment behind the wheel — there are a few basic rules for safe driving that everyone should know — and follow:

SAFE is a teen-run, peer-to-peer program focusing on increasing teen restraint compliance through education, positive rewards and enforcement.

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We know how to teach teens how to drive — we’ve been doing it for years. The National Safety Council, Nebraska offers DMV approved teen driver education classes.

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This section of is especially for the parents or guardian of the new driver. You guys need tips, too! Here we give you a few pointers on teaching your (s) to drive and how to be a good example, how to draw up a “teen driving contract”, tracking your ’s progress, and what safety products they may need to keep in the car.

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